Whats the story?

About Me

I have been working in the Digital and E-Commerce space for more than 10 years. My very first hands-on experience in E-Commerce goes 20 years back!

Besides that, I would claim that you can ask me “anything digital” or “anything E-Commerce”, I also have a retail background. In retail, you learn that customer is king, and you are fully aware that the customers (not your boss) are paying your salary. Due to this experience, I am very customer-focused and user-focused. I don’t build solutions for companies but for customers. Happy customers!

Should we talk?

Anything Digital

It’s not easy to figure out how to position your brand or your online store in the Digital space. How do you manage an online and an offline presence? How to allocate the marketing budget between various channels? How do the channels play together? Are there any channels I should not invest in? How to measure the effect? Ask me Anything Digital, I have worked within this field for more than 10 years, with small budgets and big budgets. I have spent lots of marketing dollars and saved even more by doing it right.

Anything E-Commerce

I launched my first online store in 2005. We did not have E-Commerce platforms that you could sign up for in 10 minutes. You could not download a platform and install it on your web hotel. Google Ads had not taken off, and you did not measure conversion rates. Today, about 15 years later, we are in a different place. I have been a part of that journey, from running my own online store to managing online stores for big brands, shipping 6 digit number of orders. Small or big, I have been there and learned by doing.